Use the word "shock" or not? For the official announcement of the "Channel 7" about ending the contract of two heroines " pancake khemanit Jamikorn " and " mai Davika Hoorne
Use the word "shock" or not? For the official announcement of the "Channel 7" about ending the contract of two heroines " pancake khemanit Jamikorn " and " mai Davika Hoorne" because previously there has rumors spread out recently .That the couple has decided not to renew their contract with ch7. In order to get the chance it to work with other channels !!!
ch7 has glamorous heroines as minnie , kwan ,pancake,mai , poo
they always brag about having army of talented actresses
but who is number one right now , no one can answer this question but the ch7 management have their special perspective about this
latest updating 13-12-2015

mai start this with posted in her ig make all her fans wondering if there is something wrong happened with her
Most recently she was posted to Instagram by stating
that "it will pass. Then it will pass ... at that time the dog has to be explained to everybody that I fight for you ". after that with short time The channel 7 has officially announced that the two actresses pancake and .Davika will not be an actresses under contract to Channel 7 anymore, after their contracts will be ended on December 31, 2558, this step is transfusion exchange of ch7 to push the new actresses to replace older models.Many people look to the new manager of her that howshe would handle this hard issue with boldness and brave
as for pancake she face the same fate with mai
in her latest interview she try to conceal her bitter in this hardship with smile and speaking without any tension or grudge
she did not speak directly about her ending contract but she said that her journey with ch7 has ended now and separating without bad bloods , she will not renew her contract with ch7
she did not speak directly about her ending contract but she said that her journey with ch7 has ended now and separating without bad bloods , she will not renew her contract with ch7
this is from her latest interview
As of now, we still have something left in the box some.
"a drama that awaits me on air. Activities include many and Bike for dad to me. "
The feedback from the fans when they learned the news as I do.
"There are too many But Pan then assume that everything is great encouragement to each other.No one writes anything or using offensive words. Which pan is very cute. And really need Understood very well "
We were stunned to know that in the end it is today
"The Pan told me. If there is anything that can be done to the channel. Pan was ready and willing to help anyway. "
What are the causes that they do not intend to renew it.
"It was one of the changes here. If we have the opportunity to learn or grow up in another level.We would be happy to try this route. Moreover, the pan will also need totake time to learn more about. Accordingly,
Finally, we have something to say to fans. that could not understand us ."It was encouraging to me. I do not have regrets , because I would have to work out for all to see, of course. Which is convinced that everything it needs to be changed. And change it into something good. The pan itself is a good chance for any channel, , so I follow any work pan with it. "
even she did not attended calendar photo shoot for ch7 calendar 2558,
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