(News from EFMonTV on 16/11/2015)
"Yaya Urassaya" accept that "Nadech Kugimiya" invited her to his father birthday party. Said that she is close to his family to some extent. Denied went there as a daughter in law explain just as a close friend. Very honored!!!!to be on the cover of magazine with senior in the industry. She is not serious that people said she is the lease beautiful. Personally she like it, it's a cool look. Happy that she went to make katin merit in Khonkean, the Katin donation was around 1.8 million baht. Planing to make merit with Kimberley at PhuTubBerk, Petchaboon province.
Cr. EFM on TV
English translation by @space4ny
thanks to great nadech yaya intr club on facebook
please support them because they do amazing work
other updating
(News from @dailynews.ent on 16/11/2015)
Yaya Urassaya revealed that she is happy to be able to join birthday party of Nadech's father. She didn't prepare any gift for him since Nadech invited her immediately.
Yaya Urassaya revealed that she is happy to be able to join birthday party of Nadech's father. She didn't prepare any gift for him since Nadech invited her immediately.

Yaya Urassaya revealed that she is happy to be able to join birthday party of Nadech's father. She stated that the man side (Nadech) and Mae Keaw invited her immediately, that's why she didn't prepare any gift. She asked to owe for this time first, but she already congrate his father. She didn't speak with him too much, because she couldn't speak Japanese. For Kathin ceremony with Nadech at Khon Kaen, she was happy to be able to collect the merit fund 1.8 millions Bath, because there were so FC join doing merit. During merit making in this time, she had asked for good wishes for P'Por Trisadee too. But it would be difficult for her to go to visit him. For the updated news about Nadech's ordination, now she tries to clear all schedule to join this ceremony, because she will have to have over night stay since she wants to offer foods to new monk. She didn't know that Ann Thongprasom prepare lakorn for her with Nadech and plan to film in Switzerland. If it is true, she would be very happy because she used to tell P'Ann that she want to work with her since long time ago.
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