Q: Are you afraid of the next love?
Mike: Next love? I am not even sure myself. But I am still not ready. I should be ready if it comes at the right time or with the right person though. But believe me, it’s not going to happen I these few year.
Q: Why are you so confident about that?
Mike: With my work and a lot of things that have happened, the person who is going enter to my life will have to understand these very well. Because if she won’t, she can’t be with me. One thing about woman, if she’s kind of a drama girl, she also can’t be with me. And that makes me think about someone who’s more matured. I am not talking about age, but maturity. Someone who has been through things, so she can understand me. My life pretty much has already been under stressed. It’d be worse to be with a stressful person.

Q: Is it different about the love with someone inside and outside the entertainment business?
Mike: Not necessary, as long as she won’t creates more difficultes. I don’t mind if she’s not going to help me, just be there for me, giving me moral supports and will power when I turn back to. Not like slap me again after I get slapped from the society, if this is case, then how, I have nowhere to go or nowhere to stand. People is getting more tired everyday. And when your heart is telling you’re tired, all the feeling are just gone, and it turns out that you no longer want to have the love.

Q: If your son could ever understand, what would you tell him before bed?
Mike: I’d like to make a story-telling with some comparative views for him to think about. I’d like to see he’ll have his own thoughts. I’d just tell stories, but not all in details, leave him with the areas to think about and find out the answers on his own. We must learn on our own, by our real experiences, and so we understand.
cr- idid not owe anything
thanks to mike and aom fans
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