Mike-Pirat Nitipaisalkul takes a role of Tenten In the series, my character is Tenten. I think Im quiet but Tenten is quieter. He puts on airs and looks despising. Ohwhy do I feel like people said this to me in the past? (laugh) He is quiet because he thinks a lot. Hes introvert. He has an IQ of 200. His thinking process is automatic. It challenged me because I had to convince people that this guy had an IQ of 200. Its not just like other characters said OhTenten has an IQ of 200. So I asked the director to add something if possible. Mostly, there were scenes in school such as a scene in French class. There was a student saying Although people have an IQ of 200, they cant speak the language they never learned. But, Tenten could do. He spoke French fluently. Before this scene, I had to do homework because I didnt have any basic of French. So, I found out a few good meaning sentences in English; sent it to my French friend and asked him to send me back the voice message. I practiced speaking French one full day. Then, sent my voice message back to check whether my accent was ok or not. He replied its ok.
Or crammed Mathematics. In the script, I just spoke, no need to actually do it. But I want to make it real. On that day, I brought a Mathematics book and read it during the break. When I saw a formula, heyI used to do the formula like this. Then, I recalled my memory to calculate the answer. When shooting, I did real calculation; real explanation based on the question. I felt working in international level. If we dont work in detail, others will know we arent professional.
“Thai version is much different from other versions. The obvious thing is my blonde hair. (I’ve finished shooting now, so I dyed my hair to natural color) I want the fans think it’s art; no right and no wrong. It’s contrast. I want to show that people with playboy look, ear piercing and hair color can concentrate on study or can be a nerd. In this series, I had blonde hair for 6 months. When my hair grow, I had to cover the nature color. I had to dye my hair every 2 weeks. Damaged head; hair loss; after finished shooting, I had to get treatments for my head’s skin; almost shave all my hair. (laugh) Thank you for your support and encouragement to Mike-Aom. Prepare to fin and ship in advance. According to the storyline, we had kiss scenes. As we were familiar to each other, when we’re kissing, we didn’t blush. We felt like holding a hand. (smile)
Source: Sudsapda Magazine issue 1 Sep 2015
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